Chinese New Year...
its almost less den a month that we CHINESE will celebrate our big BiG day~!!
for those who are UNMARRIED... this is the time.. that we will ENjoY the Most!!!!!!
u juz need to say "GonG Xi Fat Choi" and u will get ur PaY.. just that its in a red packet!!
This is wad u called a red packet.. *Ang Pau* not *ang nin ku pao*
btw.. as seen above.. there are some bulat-bulat "ngan leong".. Once upon a time.. ppl wish to get a heavy red packet.. why? simply because.. ITS FILLED WITH THOSE syiling! those times.. 50sen can eat chicken chop edi.... but the trend now.. if u ever get a heavy packet.. theres one thing u need to do.. u dun even need to open it.... get ready with this pose... replace the ball with ur "heavy red packets"
and then.....
Itu dia! *again, ball is replaced by ang pau*
why? ****@#*$&@#*$&@#($
now 2010 u still dare give syilings... itu namanya mao mati..!! LOL
at least Rm2 kertas inside also not so bad... lolz... its juz a joke... take no offence ya..!
and for those who are married... good luck and... prepare to
get ur Damn underPants On FIRE
hail bachelor and bachelorette!!!!
and lastly, i would like to dedicate a red packet to this fella...
nah... dah kawan lama... dun say i din give u anything... i prepared a special thing for u....
scroll down~~
realli wan see meh =,=
i shy la
i typo up there..!! not red packet...
this red package is specially for u...!!!
juz a joke... dun mind lolz...!!!! too sien
ends here... enjoy =D
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