My Memory...
Ok back to my blog... its been quite some time since i blogged.. lolz..
and there's a RETARD complaining that my blog is "hangat-hangat tahi penguin"
cuz "its hot when its new... and cold a few minutes later"
okay.. im going back to my hometown tomolo.. then ill head to dont know where.. and do.. dont know wad.. hahah but.. nvm laaaaa... so.. i went for a hair cut 2days ago.. so.. i take a picture of myself.. before n after... DUH
i admit that my short hair is quite "ok" in the picture.. but CERTAINLY NOT when u see it real life!
so... this morning.. im gonna blog long long ok??? its 5.26am my comp time.. lolz.. AND i am VERY SLEEPY....
back to the title...
"My Memory"
where am i gonna start from? THINKING THINKING... i got too much to start from!!!
start from my profile la...
Name : Cheah Soon Yang
Age : 21
Sex : MALE
Status : SINGLE *note this pretty girls* XD
Town : Ipoh
Loves : Hanging Around Running Here And There, Keeping Myself Busy, And Of Course.. GAMING!
ok.. my memory.. for the moment.. ill try my best k? ill intro to u how i know some of my dude buddies last time.. HAHA...
So i'll start with this one.. as u can see.. a big big "JOKER" name is on his face.. Ummm...
i think i knew him since i was standard 4 - 5 around that period of time.. tat time he mix with benjamin wong those.. rite or not?? den standard 6 mari 1 case... I WAS BLAMED... that one fine DAY i pushed him and he fall.. and fall on a tip of a pencil.. yeah... on his ass.. guess wad.. operate lorrrr... LOL.. i dun rmb that happened..not even when he told me.. den after that.. not reali close with him til form 2.. den i asked him to HM camp.. he camed.. i was SURPRISED.. not knowing the reason.. known as SLEEPING KING who sleeps on his plate during the meal time LOL... 1 word BLUR.....
take a look at this *CCB* cute chubby basket... before he left for KL.. his kinda farewell.. ok.. how do i know this fella.. I ALSO DONO LARRR... wad i rmb is... last time standard 1.. his mom hor.. alwiz tell me "Soon Yang, Soon Yang.. take care of David ok?" lolz.. den.. later on.. we became prefect together.. and even goes to school with the same UNCLE bus.. SITTING right BEHIND the uncle driver on a FAKTUP bench.. LOL... dah kira know longest edi... this basket...
hah.. itu dia... this paling "yao yeng geh basket" = self claimed... JK LOL! how i know him... i think from prefect's camp last time... if not mistaken.. standard 3 that time.. prefects camp...!!
den somehow kenal-ed him.. lol.. den we cont being the school's best prefect sampai standard 6.. this BASKET HeadPREEEEFETTT worrrr *Ahem* sell newspaper one... den before that i invited him to church also.. he joined... not bad not bad.. hahaha.. den sampai sekarang lu... eh.. and.. WIJAYA kaki.. WOoooo.. ROX!!!!
DUDE..! SORRY TO POST THIS PIC!! cant find any old pics of u..!!! NAH.. famous superstar of Anglo Chinese School.. Well... I mean... Who The Hell In The School Does Not Know This DUDE...??
dare raise up ur hand and i slap 9 u..! THE INFAMOUS ACS SUPER-STAR *wanabe* ROBERT CHIN!!! how can i not know him?? everyweek got his named called by the headmaster... seriously... my whole dam batch knows who he is.. don play play... TAI KOR lei geh.. hahaha
*take note of his hair*
its like..................*hope i don get bashed*
its those days that we ponteng together.. wait at the Medan Kidd station up there... climb over fences.. eh.. despite his size that time.. he realli manage to do it.. don play play... sweet memory...
MY Boss... The LEGENDARY "Chui Sui Em Mat Jui" = "Blow water, don clean the lips.." talking bout lips.. its a sensitive issue here... take note of his LIPS... Wuahhhh rite??? this basket... last time i juz know that hes a transfer stupid WITH a BOTAK head... note his hair... DAM LONG rite? thats y.. this world really changes.. nothing will stay the same... den.. i did tarik-ed him to church also.. "eh how come everyone also i tarik to church one =,=" den we learn PA together... den.. hmm... we ALMOST.. almost oni.. BECAME BROTHERS IN LAW.... LOL! spend most of my time seeing him during form6.. and COLLEGE.. which is now.. TIRED EDI la... HAHA JOKE DUDE!
and lastly...
REmember this? Well.. i do.. CLEARLY IN MY MIND =D
some ppl said.. we need to have a lot of GOOD things to bring happiness to us... but in my opinion, "GOOD THINGS, we DONT need to have alot.. A few is just MORE THAN ENOUGH" if u have too much.. u cant appreciate and rmb them all... and i cant blog tis post out also...
so.. ill be taking a few weeks break and im going back to IPOH.. weee~! no internet line there.. so... NO BLOG UPDATES LA!! LASTLY.... wana wish all my fans
God Bless You All... Good morning.. 6.22am NOW.....
Ends here..
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